Suplasyn® is composed of sterile sodium hyaluronate solution 10 mg/ml and is indicated in the symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis.
It is reimbursed by the GMS and DPS.

How does Suplasyn work?
In osteoarthritis, hyaluronic acid present in the liquid inside healthy joints (synovial fluid) is reduced, and this loss changes the viscosity and elasticity properties of the fluid that affects its naturally cushioning and lubricating properties. All these result in joint pain, stiffness and possibly more susceptibility to tissue damage.(1,2,3)
The introduction of Suplasyn® into the synovial space will assist in the normalisation of the joint following arthrocentesis.
Suplasyn® has been shown to be beneficial in osteoarthritis for the management of pain and improvement in physical function of joints. (1,2)
- Blanch Rubio J et al. Springer Experience & Drug Evidence. 2012.
- Gydek A, et al. Przegl Lek.2011;68(6):307-10.
- Petrella RJ et al. J Rheumatol. 2006 May;33(5):951-6.
How is Suplasyn administered?
A doctor will administer Suplasyn® intra-articularly into the synovial space of the affected joint. Each administration of Suplasyn® takes only a few minutes and can be administered by a physician. Routinely once inside the medical consult, the patient will be asked to sit or lie in a comfortable position. The doctor will likely apply a numbing agent before administering Suplasyn®. The patient may feel some discomfort during the injection, but this normally disappears quickly.

Could there be any side effects with Suplasyn?
- Following the injection, some patients may experience a mild local reaction like pain, heat, redness and swelling.*
- If these symptoms occur, rest the affected joint and apply ice locally. For most of the patients, symptoms subside within days.
- If the patient feels that symptoms are severe or if they persist, they should consult their doctor.
- Discontinue use if adverse reactions are experienced.
*Necas L. et al. Veterinarni Medicina, 53, 2008 (8): 397–411 J.